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Live Singing Outdoors

Several of my sessions have now returned to indoor venues. I am still running regular live sessions outdoors on


General session on alternate Sundays at 10.30-12

Earth Singers sessions on the 4th Saturday of each month at 2pm


Despite all legislation now being relaxed, all live sessions are fully risk assessed and insured and run in line with guidance from my professional body, the Natural Voice Network. They take place at various locations around Chester, depending on weather, out of the way of public thoroughfares. All live sessions can be zoomed for those not able to attend in person to be able to join. Please ask if you would like to attend on zoom!


We are no longer required to have risk assessed practices in place but I am asking that we continue to follow the guidelines that have kept us safe over the past year or so of live singing. Therefore anyone wishing to attend outdoor sessions is asked to read the following guidelines, compiled collaboratively with members of the group.


Community Behaviour Agreement - read and email please!!
Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Singing Groups with Ella Speirs

We are all intelligent adults and must each keep ourselves informed and make our own assessments of personal risk around COVID issues. However I also clearly hold professional responsibility to ensure that the activities I host are as safe as is possible within my power and are conducted within the Government Guidelines and laws.

The (English) legislation concerning Performing Arts issued on 14 August 2020 permits choirs of up to 30 to meet in COVID-secure conditions, provided a Risk Assessment and Contact Tracing are in place. The updates on 28 Sep, in particular paragraph 3.18, affirm this is still the case, as long as there are no social interactions between members of different households.

I am aware Wales is under different Guidance and choir members who reside there must follow local rules where they differ from England’s.

The Government guidance asks us all to take shared responsibility for group behaviour around COVID health and safety risks. To this end I ask everyone;-

**To be mindful of the latest government guidelines NOT to socialise at organised events. Please maintain the social distance of 2m when arriving and leaving and to minimise any interactions during the session to the purposes of the group activity.  

*To not attend if you have any symptoms

*To notify me as soon as you notice any symptoms so that I can notify others who may have attended events alongside you

To regularly wash your hands with soap for at least 30 seconds (2 rounds of Famba Naye or Jubilate ~Deo!) particularly, if practical, just before a session

I will always have hand sanitiser and anti-bacterial wipes available. Please feel free to use these at any time.

To step away from others and cover your mouth if you cough or sneeze

When we are together as a group to practice social distancing at all times (current recommendations 2 meters for singing) and to respect that some people may choose to stay further away. Ella will be 3 meters away when facing singers to teach.

As much as possible to all face the same direction when singing.

To bring your own songwords and music if you need it either in paper form or on your phone. If I am giving out paperwork to anyone who isn’t able to print their own I will do so in a wipeable plastic cover.

To be aware that seating etc at outdoor venues is not sanitised by me and therefore you touch any such surfaces at your own risk.

To bring any cushions/blankets/extra clothing you need to be comfortable.

To bring with you any refreshments that you might need and not to share these.

*To make any payments by bank transfer/paypal where possible

To know that your participation in sessions is always optional and you are free to leave at any point. You are also welcome to make requests from the group that make it easier for you to participate eg if everyone can give you a greater amount of space

To be respectful of other group member’s decisions around how they react to the situation

The MOST important element in taking care of each other is to stay away from group activities if you have any symptoms OR if you have been in contact with anyone who has symptoms.

I keep a record of everyone who has attended face to face sessions. If you develop symptoms at any point within two weeks of attending a session you MUST inform me so that I can let other group members know. This can be done anonymously.

In the event of this happening, I will contact everyone who has attended sessions in the previous two weeks to let them know.

Please know that at all times I am seeking a fair balance between the benefits of singing to our mental and physical health, and the risk of contagion.

To remember that we are all doing our best with the information we have at any given time.

It is also important at whatever venue we use to be aware and vigilant of other members of the public and maintain throughways for them to pass at a safe distance.

If you have particular concerns that you would like to discuss with me, please contact me.

Ella Speirs    18 August 2020
Updated 27 August (added lines marked *)
Updated 28 Septem
ber (added lines marked **)

Sing.Dance.Love website by Ella Speirs 2017

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